Healthcare Challenges For SA Children


It is common knowledge that South Africa’s healthcare infrastructure is overburdened. This means that access to healthcare, for the majority of South Africans, is often compromised. It is unsurprising then, that children are frequently vulnerable and at risk. Below is a brief description of the landscape of medical access in our country.

A brief overview:

There are a plethora of adverse influences that have negatively impacted South Africa’s healthcare system, ranging from economic inequality due to apartheid, rapid urbanization and government mismanagement. The complexity of these influences can be gauged from the insightful medical journal Curationis, ,,here.

Consequently, all of these influencing factors have created a climate of inequality and unequal access. ,,The ,,International Journal for Equity in Health,,, notes that ,,,the burden of the major categories of ill-health and disability is greater among lower than higher socio-economic groups,,. This is particularly relevant to South Africa. ,,Stats SA relays that our country is one of the most unequal countries in the world, with highly radicalised labour markets and a disproportional amount of affluence and wealth among white people.

It is unsurprising then that “services [are] skewed in favour of the rich for most public facilities, especially hospitals, and across all private sector services.” As a result, black South Africans, namely children, are disparately prevented from accessing their constitutional right to medical services. UNICEF equally acknowledges that “inequitable access to critical health services places children, newborns andadolescents at risk”.

How Dr Temp is attempting to help:

Our company is not only driven by medical expertise – we are equally motivated and guided by our social conscience. We are well acquainted with the socio-economic grievances of numerous patients as well as the fragility of the medial arena. As a result, we strive to bring people scientifically validated and innovative technologies.

Moreover, we are fully dedicated to healthcare pertaining to children. Recently we donated PPE and disinfectants to a number of schools, in an effort to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. More information about these efforts can be accessed, ,here.

So too, our focus on children also involves products that pertain to them.

  1. Our efforts to aid in the fight against COVID-19 means that we have also custom designed face Visors for children in order to prioritise their safety. You can view them, ,here.
  2. Our investment in Postnatal health is evident in our revolutionary product, the O Clamp Umbilical Cord clamp. To learn more about this product, click here.
  3. Disposable thermometers are where we often receive acclaim. This extends beyond adults as we have developed our TraxIt semi-disposable underarm thermometer especially for children. To read more, click ,here.

We pledge to continue our investment in this worthy venture. We hope that through these efforts we can help safeguard the health of the children of South Africa.
